The following table is generated by running osm support error-info,可以使用命令行工具 osm support error-info获取错误代码相关的信息。
| E2009 | The inbound TrafficTargets composed of their routes for a given destination |
| | ServiceIdentity could not be configured. |
| E2010 | An applied SMI TrafficTarget policy has an invalid destination kind. |
| E2011 | An applied SMI TrafficTarget policy has an invalid source kind. |
| E3000 | The system found 0 endpoints to be reached when the service’s FQDN was resolved. |
| E3001 | A Kubernetes resource could not be marshalled. |
| E3002 | A Kubernetes resource could not be unmarshalled. |
| E4000 | The Kubernetes secret containing the certificate could not be retrieved by the |
| | system. |
| E4001 | The certificate specified by name could not be obtained by key from the secret’s |
| | data. |
| E4002 | The private key specified by name could not be obtained by key from the secret’s |
| | data. |
| E4003 | The certificate expiration specified by name could not be obtained by key from |
| | the secret’s data. |
| E4004 | The certificate expiration obtained from the secret’s data by name could not be |
| | parsed. |
| E4005 | The secret containing a certificate could not be created by the system. |
| E4006 | A private key failed to be generated. |
| E4007 | The specified private key could be be could not be converted from a DER encoded |
| | key to a PEM encoded key. |
| E4008 | The certificate request fails to be created when attempting to issue a |
| | certificate. |
| E4009 | When creating a new certificate authority, the root certificate could not be |
| | obtained by the system. |
| E4010 | The specified certificate could not be converted from a DER encoded certificate |
| | to a PEM encoded certificate. |
| E4011 | The specified PEM encoded certificate could not be decoded. |
| E4012 | The specified PEM privateKey for the certificate authority’s root certificate |
| | could not be decoded. |
| E4013 | An unspecified error occurred when issuing a certificate from the certificate |
| | manager. |
| E4014 | An error occurred when creating a certificate to issue from the certificate |
| | manager. |
| E4015 | The certificate authority privided when issuing a certificate was invalid. |
| E4016 | The specified certificate could not be rotated. |
| E4100 | Failed parsing object into PubSub message. |
| E4150 | Failed initial cache sync for MeshConfig informer. |
| E4151 | Failed to cast object to MeshConfig. |
| E4152 | Failed to fetch MeshConfig from cache with specific key. |
| E4153 | Failed to marshal MeshConfig into other format. |
| E5000 | A XDS resource could not be marshalled. |
| E5001 | The XDS certificate common name could not be parsed. The CN should be of the |
| | form ... |
| E5002 | The proxy UUID obtained from parsing the XDS certificate’s common name did not |
| | match the osm-proxy-uuid label value for any pod. The pod associated with the |
| | specified Envoy proxy could not be found. |
| E5003 | A pod in the mesh belongs to more than one service. By Open Service Mesh |
| | convention the number of services a pod can belong to is 1. This is a limitation |
| | we set in place in order to make the mesh easy to understand and reason about. |
| | When a pod belongs to more than one service XDS will not program the Envoy |
| | proxy, leaving it out of the mesh. |
| E5004 | The Envoy proxy data structure created by ADS to reference an Envoy proxy |
| | sidecar from a pod’s osm-proxy-uuid label could not be configured. |
| E5005 | A GRPC connection failure occurred and the ADS is no longer able to receive |
| | DiscoveryRequests. |
| E5006 | The DiscoveryResponse configured by ADS failed to send to the Envoy proxy. |
| E5007 | The resources to be included in the DiscoveryResponse could not be generated. |
| E5008 | The aggregated resources generated for a DiscoveryResponse failed to be |
| | configured as a new snapshot in the Envoy xDS Aggregate Discovery Services |
| | cache. |
| E5009 | The ServiceIdentity specified in the XDS certificate CN could not be obtained |
| | when creating SDS DiscoveryRequests corresponding to all types of secrets |
| | associated with the proxy. |
| E5010 | The Aggregate Discovery Server (ADS) created by the OSM controller failed to |
| | start. |
| E5011 | An Envoy proxy data structure representing a newly connected envoy proxy to the |
| | XDS server could not be initialized. |
| E5012 | The ServiceAccount referenced in the NodeID does not match the ServiceAccount |
| | specified in the proxy certificate. The proxy was not allowed to be a part of |
| | the mesh. |
| E5013 | The gRPC stream was closed by the proxy and no DiscoveryRequests can be |
| | received. The Stream Agreggated Resource server was terminated for the specified |
| | proxy. |
| E5014 | The envoy proxy has not completed the initialization phase and it is not ready |
| | to receive broadcast updates from control plane related changes. New versions |
| | should not be pushed if the first request has not be received. The broadcast |
| | update was ignored for that proxy. |
| E5015 | The TypeURL of the resource being requested in the DiscoveryRequest is invalid. |
| E5016 | The version of the DiscoveryRequest could not be parsed by ADS. |
| E5017 | An Envoy egress cluster which routes traffic to its original destination could |
| | not be configured. When a Host is not specified in the cluster config, the |
| | original destination is used. |
| E5018 | An Envoy egress cluster that routes traffic based on the specified Host resolved |
| | using DNS could not be configured. |
| E5019 | An Envoy cluster that corresponds to a specified upstream service could not be |
| | configured. |
| E5020 | The meshed services corresponding a specified Envoy proxy could not be listed. |
| E5021 | Multiple Envoy clusters with the same name were configured. The duplicate |
| | clusters will not be sent to the Envoy proxy in a ClusterDiscovery response. |
| E5022 | The application protocol specified for a port is not supported for ingress |
| | traffic. The XDS filter chain for ingress traffic to the port was not created. |
| E5023 | An XDS RBAC policy could not be generated from the specified traffic target |
| | policy. |
| E5024 | An XDS filter chain could not be constructed for ingress. |
| E5025 | A traffic policy rule could not be configured as an RBAC rule on the proxy. |
| | The corresponding rule was ignored by the system. |
| E5026 | The SDS certificate resource could not be unmarshalled. The |
| | corresponding certificate resource was ignored by the system. |
| E5027 | An XDS secret containing a TLS certificate could not be retrieved. |
| | The corresponding secret request was ignored by the system. |
| E5028 | The SDS secret does not correspond to a MeshService. |
| E5029 | The SDS secret does not correspond to a ServiceAccount. |
| E5030 | The identity obtained from the SDS certificate request does not match the |
| | identity of the proxy. The corresponding certificate request was ignored |
| | by the system. |
| E6100 | A protobuf ProtoMessage could not be converted into YAML. |
| E6101 | The mutating webhook certificate could not be parsed. |
| | The mutating webhook HTTP server was not started. |
| E6102 | The sidecar injection webhook HTTP server failed to start. |
| E6103 | An AdmissionRequest could not be decoded. |
| E6104 | The timeout from an AdmissionRequest could not be parsed. |
| E6105 | The AdmissionRequest’s header was invalid. The content type obtained from the |
| | header is not supported. |
| E6106 | The AdmissionResponse could not be written. |
| E6107 | The AdmissionRequest was empty. |
| E6108 | It could not be determined if the pod specified in the AdmissionRequest is |
| | enabled for sidecar injection. |
| E6109 | It could not be determined if the namespace specified in the |
| | AdmissionRequest is enabled for sidecar injection. |
| E6110 | The port exclusions for a pod could not be obtained. No |
| | port exclusions are added to the init container’s spec. |
| E6111 | The AdmissionRequest body could not be read. |
| E6112 | The AdmissionRequest body was nil. |
| E6113 | The MutatingWebhookConfiguration could not be created. |
| E6114 | The MutatingWebhookConfiguration could not be updated. |
| E6700 | An error occurred when shutting down the validating webhook HTTP server. |
| E6701 | The validating webhook HTTP server failed to start. |
| E6702 | The validating webhook certificate could not be parsed. |
| | The validating webhook HTTP server was not started. |
| E6703 | The ValidatingWebhookConfiguration could not be created. |
| E7000 | An error occurred while reconciling the updated CRD to its original state. |
| E7001 | An error occurred while reconciling the deleted CRD. |
| E7002 | An error occurred while reconciling the updated mutating webhook to its original |
| | state. |
| E7003 | An error occurred while reconciling the deleted mutating webhook. |
| E7004 | An error occurred while while reconciling the updated validating webhook to its |
| | original state. |
| E7005 | An error occurred while reconciling the deleted validating webhook. |
指定错误编码的详细信息可以通过执行命令 `osm support error-info <error-code>` 获取。例如:
osm support error-info E1000
| E1000 | An invalid command line argument was passed to the |
| | application. |